
WHS of which the OUV/Criterion statements include Fish "speciation" or endemism. The OUV/Criterion statements mention high fish endemism and/or talk about (a) specific (important) fish species present in the WHS. This excludes statements that only refer to the presence of a high number of fish species.

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Ahwar of Southern Iraq Crit IX: "It is also significant for the migration of fish and shrimp species from the Persian Gulf to the marshlands, with most of the fish species demonstrating diadromous characteristics (migratory between salt and fresh waters)." Crit X: ".. as well as 6 range-restricted fish species."
Archipiélago de Revillagigedo Crit X: In the marine realm at least 10 reef fish species have been identified as endemic or near-endemic including the spectacular Clarión Angelfish, which can be observed in ‘cleaning stations’ feeding on the ectoparasites of the Giant Manta Rays. These rays, some of them unusually completely black, aggregate in some of the largest numbers known worldwide. The property is a haven for a rich diversity of shark species with up to 20 having been recorded.
Central Amazon Conservation Complex Crit x "The "pirarucu" (Arapaima gigas), the largest freshwater fish in South America......... In addition, 64 species of electric fish, which is the strongest known diversity for this group unique in the world, with a circulation range and an adaptation rate comparable to those of cichlids in the African Rift Valley, have been identified in the property"
Cocos Island "home to two (endemic species of) freshwater fish...the main species conservation value derives from critical marine habitat and the corresponding role of the property in the conservation of large pelagic species, especially several species of sharks. Among the latter are exceptional aggregations of the near-threatened Silky and Lemon Shark, the vulnerable Bigeye Thresher Shark and Galapagos Shark, the emblematic and endangered Hammerhead Shark, as well as White-tip Reef Shark and Black-tip Shark. Among some 300 recorded fish species are important aggregations of large pelagic fish, such as the vulnerable Whale Shark and Blue Marlin, as well as Sailfish Broadbill Swordfish, Shortbill Spearfish, Giant Manta Ray and Pelagic Stingray." (OUV Statement)
Coiba National Park Crit X: The property includes 760 species of marine fishes, 33 species of sharks and 20 species of cetaceans. The islands within the property are the only group of inshore islands in the tropical eastern Pacific that have significant populations of trans-Pacific fishes, namely, Indo-Pacific species that have established themselves in the eastern Pacific.
Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands Crit x "The property also harbors sturgeon species, including the Colchic Sturgeon"
Durmitor National Park Crit X: The endangered Danube Salmon, under heavy pressure from overuse and dam construction elsewhere in its natural habitat, continues to live in the rivers of the park.
Glacier parks "The marine components support a great variety of fauna including marine mammals and anadromous fish, the spawning of which is a key ecological component linking the sea to the land through the large river systems." (OUV Statement) "Fishes include - arctic grayling;, i~okanee; chinook; humpback; dog (Keyta) and cohoe salmon; (i.e. four of five species o( Pacific salmon)" (IUCN Wrangell-St Elias' Evaluation File, 1979)
Gulf of California Crit X: Almost 900 species of fish have been documented with some 90 species occurring exclusively in the Gulf of California or parts of it. These include the critically endangered species Black Sea Bass and Totoaba, as well as the vulnerable Basking Shark.
Ivindo National Park "The site's aquatic habitats harbour endemic freshwater fish species, 13 of which are threatened". (Official description) The waters of the Ivindo are home to a swarm of about fifteen species of fish of the genus Paramormyrops (Mormyridae), the only swarm of species found in the world in rivers and belonging to this family. (Executive summary, p. 7)
Lake Malawi Crit x "up to c.1000 species of fish, half occurring within the property: estimated as the largest number of fish species of any lake in the world. Endemism is very high: of particular significance are the cichlid fish, of which all but 5 of over 350 species are endemic. The lake contains 30% of all known cichlids species in the world"
Malpelo "The property hosts impressive populations of marine species, including large top predators and pelagic species, such as Giant Grouper, Billfish and numerous shark species. Major aggregations of Hammerhead Shark, Silky Shark, Whale Shark and Tuna have been recorded. ...Known marine endemics include five fish species..." (OUV Statement)
Marquesas Islands "The percentage of endemism is high in comparison to older archipelagos, whereas the nominated property supports high species endemism due to its extremely isolated position. For instance, it ranks third in the Indo-Pacific region for endemism of coral reef fishes." - AB Evaluation
Miguasha National Park Crit viii: "The site is of paramount importance because it has the largest number and the best-preserved fossil specimens in the world of sarcopterygian fish"
Ningaloo Coast Crit vii: The property supports rare and large aggregations of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus)
Ohrid Region Crit vii - "Lake Ohrid provides a unique refuge for numerous endemic and relict freshwater species of flora and fauna. Its oligotrophic waters contain over 200 endemic species with high levels of endemism for benthic species in particular....and 17 endemic species of fish"
Olympic National Park Crit IX: The park’s isolation has allowed the development of endemic wildlife, subspecies of trout, ..
Papahanaumokuakea Crit IX: For example, a quarter of the nearly 7,000 presently known marine species in the area are endemic. Over a fifth of the fish species are unique to the archipelago ... an unrivalled example of reef ecosystems which are still dominated by top predators such as sharks, a feature lost from most other island environments due to human activity.
Phoenix Islands Crit vii: The essentially pristine environment, outstanding underwater clarity, the spectacle of large groups of charismatic aquatic animals (e.g. bumphead parrotfish, Napolean wrasse, surgeonfishes, parrotfishes, groupers, maori wrasse, sharks, turtles, dolphins, manta rays, giant clams) in quantities rarely found elsewhere in the world
Sanganeb Crit X: The whale and manta ray seasonal aggregations in DMNP are unique to the entire Western Indian Ocean Region ... SMNP lies in a regional hotspot for reef fish endemism.
Shark Bay Crit X: Large numbers of sharks and rays are readily observed, including the Manta Ray which is now considered globally threatened.
Shiretoko Crit X: Shiretoko is also globally important for a number of salmonid species, encompassing habitat in many small watersheds and supporting several species of Pacific salmonids, including White spotted charr, masu salmon, chum salmon and pink salmon. Those watersheds have specific importance as it is the southernmost habitat in the world for the sea run of the Dolly varden.
Tubbataha Reefs Crit X: The reefs and seas of the property also support eleven species of cetaceans, eleven species of sharks, and an estimated 700 species of fishes, including the iconic and threatened Napoleon wrasse. The property supports the highest population densities known in the world for white tip reef sharks. Pelagic species such as jacks, tuna, barracuda, manta rays, whale sharks and different species of sharks also are common here
W-Arly-Pendjari Complex Crit X: The site exhibits particularly high levels of endemism among fish species and is home to seven of the nine endemic fish species reported in the Volta Basin.


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